Do birds really use a birdbath in winter? You bet! Even though Georgia has faced weeks of temps ranging from the teens to the low 30's, birds are all over the property -- constantly at/in the birdbaths (and chowing down at every feeder).
The photo harkens back to my Scandinavian roots -- the blue and yellow of the Swedish flag. It's truly amazing there were no Finch busy-bodies to muddy the image.

Eastern Bluebird and Pine Warbler
Carrying forward the Scandinavian theme, the featured video confirms that birds happily participate in the Polar Bear Plunge. The 30 degree temps didn't deter a female Eastern Bluebird one bit as she goes all-in. Naturally, numerous Finch busy-bodies danced ringside.
I, on the other hand, headed for a warm shower. Minnesota roots or not, there's just something about observing icy bathing that makes the chill run deep. Reminds me of my friend with Vermont roots. She LOVES to send me pictures of her mom's lab, Buster, going for a winter swim amid ice chunks floating in the river. Yeah. I take a lot of warm showers in the winter.