It's that time of year when we Georgian's have had quite enough of winter. Just when I was starting to feel a bit ornery about this fact, a male Cardinal landed on the feeder ... his red feathers aglow in the afternoon sun. What a gift!
I reflected on how much winter wildlife does to brighten the landscape and tide me over until the grass turns green again and flowers open their kaleidoscope to the summer sun.
So ...I'm going to stop talking ... and just jump right into sharing the gift of Georgia's winter wildlife.
New Fallen Snow - First Light -
Shades of Blue - Blue Jay -
Eastern Bluebirds Visit Mealworm Feeder -
Tufted Titmouse Showing His Tuft -
When he's not eating your flowers and vegetables, he munches on bird seed. -
Yellow-Rumped Warbler: Winter 2013 -
Could be Worse: Eastern Phoebe Winter 2013 -
Dark-eyed Junco: January 2018 -
We call him "Hoover". He vacuums up seeds until his cheeks nearly burst. -
Mockingbird: Winter 2013 -
Pine Warbler: Winter 2018 -
Found a Peanut: Tufted Titmouse -
Going Head-to-Head: Northern Cardinal and Mourning Dove: Fall 2017 -
Male and Female Cardinals - Winter 2018
Orange-Morph and Normal-Color (Red) Male House Finches
Bandit Extraordinaire -
You want a piece of me?!