The Phoebes claimed a corner under the house eves years ago -- mudding their nest to the brick wall and the wood trim. More than once, I found myself climbing an extension ladder and placing "overboard" nestlings back in the nest cup. I decided to install a platform. I did not envision this platform as an Eastern Phoebe Nestling Playground -- but the nestlings do!

Phoebes - Before (2013)

Phoebe Place - 2018
The June 2018 nestlings took the playground concept to a new level. While one of the three nestlings fledged before 11:00 AM, the other two spent the entire afternoon hopping, flapping, test piloting, and vying for king of the branch. When they finally did fledge (just after 5:00 PM), Momma Phoebe was back at 5:15 preparing the nest for Brood #3.
Carolina Wren Nest Update
The Jungle Wrens hatched today. You can see them, just hours old, with beaks agape. In the second image, Momma Wren raises up in the nest -- eying her newly hatched offspring.

Carolina Wrens - Hours Old