The American Redstart apparently does summer here, but I've never seen one. I'm guessing this female was simply migrating through from points north. She stopped at the birdbath -- the source of this video -- drinking the bathwater.
It occurs to me you might be wondering whether all I do is sit and watch bird cameras to capture these "firsts". I do display the live camera feeds on my den television -- it is more restful than the news -- and occasionally catch (real-time) images I want to capture. Mostly, however, I take advantage of the recording devices the cameras are attached to. The software for each camera will show a green band displayed across a 24-hour timeline. Any motion seen by the camera will be marked on this timeline with a yellow band --
its length correlating to the duration of the motion. At a glance, I can tell if there has been motion in one of the bird houses. When it comes to the bird bath and the most-heavily used feeders -- I just click through the motion events looking for anything unique. It is interesting how quickly I will spot a bird I have not seen before. Figuring out what it is, however, can take a while!