Continuing with the Birdbath Classes theme, the Carolina Wren demonstrates the Massage Bath technique. I'm guessing s/he was feeling dusty and decided a real scrub was in order.
Meanwhile ...
Much to my surprise, 3 of the 4 "Garden Bluebird" eggs did hatch on July 7-8. That's 16+ days after the 3rd egg was laid -- well-past the normal 14 days. Still weird. As you can see in the photo -- we have color. I have now decided I prefer watching tiny, hot nestlings in black and white. (The nestling on the left only looks dead -- I assure you it is not!)
To continue the weird theme, the rural bluebirds built their third nest and a first egg was produced on July 9. No second egg on July 10 (and no sign of a Cowbird!). If this nesting continues, and the egg/s hatch, those nestlings are going to be warm!!

Garden Bluebird Nestlings: Day 3