Everywhere I look, the birds announce spring's arrival in such vivid colors

Summer Tanager

American Goldfinch

Eastern Bluebird
The male Summer Tanager just returned for the Georgia summer. The male American Goldfinches have morphed back into their bright yellow plumage, and the male Eastern Bluebird sports an extra-deep-blue sheen. To me the birds are like drops of shiny paint -- flitting from place to place -- lighting up whatever landscape they choose as their backdrop. I love spring.
And Then a Special Treat Splashed Color on the Feeder
One of my favorite Georgia visitors is the Rose-breasted Grosbeak male. He is one stunning, handsome dude! I remember last fall when my daughter was feeding the birds in my absence. She called to say she had just seen the most beautiful bird she had ever seen in her life. I knew it was the Rose-breasted. They are only here a couple weeks in the spring and fall as they move to their summer/winter destinations -- and they just showed up this weekend.
The special treat was the appearance of an ORANGE-breasted Grosbeak. This is an aberrant color and, I think, somewhat rare. You likely can count yourself among the few who have ever seen this variation.

Orange-breasted, Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Meanwhile --
At one week of age, the Bluebird nestlings are growing like weeds. Their wings are taking shape and their eyes are beginning to open.
The Wrens hatched on the 13th -- meaning my hatch-date predictions are 0 for 3. It's pretty cool, nonetheless, to actually have a Wren nest in a location that has allowed me my first-ever peek at life inside. I can't say it's a beautiful sight, but it is pretty darn amazing!

Tell Me Again Why We Wanted Five