I promised to tell the full story of the Black Bear's return, but please hang on a minute. Daddy Blue is knocking on my kitchen window -- the mealworm feeder is empty and he is NOT happy!
Mealworms re-stocked ... now to the Black Bear's return and Day One Demolition. I'm fairly certain this is the same bear who was here in May. He may look a bit taller in the July image, but note he is standing on his tip toes.
It didn't take me long to figure out he'd been here -- the sight of the trashcan turned on its side with its top ripped off -- got that now. My mistake was in doing a better job securing the trashcan lid -- this time he ripped the handle out of the can instead of just bending the top. Nice. Otherwise, he was a pretty mellow dude.
I'll let you be your own judge of "mellow". Just creating the video for this post has me shaking again!

Stand by for Day 2
Here's a hint. NEVER feed a Black Bear one day ... THEN take all his food away.