Wow, that was a LONG intermission!!
Predators ruled the roosts as last summer's nesting season progressed. I wish I wouldn't take it so hard, but always do. Remember when I laughed at the parent bluebirds who warned their nestlings of a snake's approach...laughed because the parents didn't know the snake couldn't defeat the baffle on the pole? No one told me there was a resident 6+ foot rat snake who would enjoy the last laugh. Re-design 486 now in place!
The Fuzz who owns the place (aka Drake) was diagnosed with a treatable liver disorder but in the course of the diagnosis they found a large mass on his spleen. They removed his spleen and gave us the good news there was no cancer.
Recovery from surgery was a breeze. Ice his incision multiple times per day for 10 minutes? No problem! Put the ice pack over the incision, lean a pillow against it to hold it in place, tell him to stay…come back in 10 minutes. Love this dog!
Then the “fun” began. Don’t ever let anyone tell you an organ is “not essential”! I have devoted every day, and countless sleepless nights, staying ahead of all that has come at Drake since July. You know how I am about animals, right? So far, we’ve met all the challenges without a hitch. Drake starts each day as he always has…thoroughly sniffing every single rung of the fence to discover which creatures were in/out during the night. I’m glad he can’t tell me.

Of course, the resident birds are undaunted by all that daunts me. I dared to go away for a night...leave things in my daughter's hands. I told her she didn't need to worry about the birds. I'd take care of feeding them when I got home. Up pops this text message from my daughter early the next morning:
It (Momma Bluebird) wants what she want EVERY morning. I see you. Get out of your chair and feed me those live mealworms!
The uplifting stories are piling up as the birds now appear in pairs. Mr. Northern Cardinal is courting...tempting a female with gathered delicacies. One Momma Blue has nearly completed her first nest. The Eastern Phoebes are trying to keep the House Finches off their platform. I have NO IDEA where the wrens nested, but they're out there somewhere. And the Northern Flicker? I'm breaking the fast with his story.