So ... Mr. Bear did return for a second night in July and he was one unhappy bear. I had taken all the feeders down and left the trashcans empty and on their sides. The only food I put out was some black oil in the cage attached to the tree in the woods (for the Flyers) and some black oil/corn tossed on the ground for the raccoons (and deer). While I did not want to feed the bear, I also did not want hungry predators while I still had an occupied bird nest. With Momma Bluebird sitting on eggs at the time, there was no way for me to remove that nest box for the night. It's one thing to bring nestlings inside, but adult birds would NOT be amused.
Here's what I learned. If you feed a bear, he'll be back. If you stop feeding a bear, he will no longer act in a gentlemanly manner. Okay, so those won't the first words that came to mind, but I'm trying to be proper for all generations.
In the following images you will see how the SE Woods looked before and after the carnage. It was not pretty.

SE Woods Before the Bear

SE Woods After the Bear
In the video, you will see the carnage unfold. At times, I have to admit, I had to laugh ... then I go back to shaking. This is Day 2 - Part 1 of 2. Trust me when I tell you this ... it goes downhill from here!