A number of people have asked me to post the predator/harsh videos I have collected over the past several years. Somehow, rewatching the Wolf Re-introduction video is helping me get through this series on Backyard Predators.
I categorize this content as "Ugly" and there is a link, so named, at the top of this blog's home page. When The UGLY link is marked with a STAR, content less than 1 week old has been posted. From the beginning of this blog, I made the decision not to post these stories on the home page. They shouldn't be fed to your inbox if you opted in for post feeds. They won't show in the "Up Next" section. Bottom line: If you want to see this content, you will have to look for it by clicking on The UGLY link.
Software and its users (in this case, me) are known to have flaws. If things don't go according to design and a post shows up where it doesn't belong (your inbox or the blog homepage): All ugly content videos are stamped with the word UGLY in bold/red. Don't open the video if destruction is not your thing!
In the Coming Weeks
I am going to clean out the videos I have saved and get them published. If you are so inclined, you will read/see stories of several snake attacks, the effect of nest mites on nestlings, how a bird parent deals with a weak nestling, how a bird parent handles deceased nestlings, a hawk attack on a Mourning Dove, the bear attack on the Bluebird house as seen from inside the house, and what happens when "Momma Flyer" doesn't come home.
And now, with a tip-of-the-hat to my snake-loving friends ... we're off. The first of this series, the oldest dust under the rug, has been posted.