I've seen five species of Woodpeckers on the property. Of these, the two smallest -- the Downy and the Hairy (pictured here) -- are really difficult to tell apart. Their markings and coloring are nearly identical. When viewed side-by-side, it's clear the Hairy is the larger (10" compared to the Downy's 7"). If you see one of these guys solo, the best I can offer is this: The Downy's beak is about 1/2 the length of it's head width. The Hairy's beak is the length of it's head.
Okay, okay. I'm done. Hopefully you don't have a headache!
Now to the story of the Stolen Feeder ...
The other afternoon when I went out to fill the feeders, the wind was brutally-cold. I don't know why I never thought of this before -- but I decided to bring the suet logs inside and fill them there. I didn't think about the fact that the birds typically descend on the feeder the second I disappear back into the house. Among the descenders was the Hairy Woodpecker -- ready for his fill of fresh suet. Yep. Don't You Just Hate It: When Your Feeder is Stolen?!