After our little Synchronized Swimming break, the saga of the Black Bear resumes. The woodland-trasher is on the move ... night prowler begins. Of course, I had no idea of his prowling until the next day when I played back the camera video. Then, I watched in true horror as he investigated EVERY empty bird feeding station on the property.
Let's get right to the video -- then I'll drag you through my feelings of horror.
Crossing the Line
It's one thing to maul the feeders in the woods. It's another thing to climb the fence into the "dog park" and check out those feeding stations. It's a final straw, however, when you cross over a fence into the space where Drake, the Pit Bull, and I hang out. I figure it's only a matter of time before this night prowler will be swimming in my pool (well, mostly Drake's pool).
Although everyone who meets Drake is awed by his size, he is not the baddest boy on the planet he thinks he is. Drake is a pipsqueak compared to Mr. Black Bear.

Black Bear Size

Drake Size
Georgia Wildlife continues to tell me there is nothing they will do -- and nothing more I can do. It is clear to me: IF I put ample food out in the woods, the bear is likely to hang out there until he is full -- but he'll be back looking for more. IF I take all the food away, he knows no limits. For now, Drake and I stay inside from sunset to sunrise -- not so much for my safety, but for Drake's.
If you don't already know this about me, I don't give up easily. There's always a solution. It's my job to find it! Meanwhile, please don't tell Drake I called him a pipsqueak.
Hey there, quite the adventures you are having! I think I’d be going to Premier and getting a “bear” fence – I know a lot of people who keep bee’s and use these with GREAT success. You will need a good charger but you could protect the dog park and the bird houses. A bit of an investment but they last a good amount of time (we have some that are about 8 years old and we move ours constantly so they get pretty beat up, if you don’t need to move them they would likely last longer – plus no snow!). I’d call Premier regarding the charger (I linked one below BUT they may have other recommendations or you may want a solar one so you can move things around). We have a speedrite and it’s awesome. Bears DO NOT like electric fences. And you can train them to the fence putting some bacon fat or peanut butter on a couple pieces of tinfoil and get the satisfaction of knowing he’s getting nailed hard. Those fences if you get a 1.4 Joule charger or higher… do a little more then tickle. And bears are good conductors. Way better then my sheep! The wool insulates them. This will protect you and the bear. I can’t believe your wildlife service won’t do anything for a bear that’s become such a destructive nuisance!
Thank you SO MUCH, Wysteria!! What a thoughtful and comprehensive comment! I will check out Premier. I would only have to protect the pool fence. I never let Drake out into the dog park at night. (Previously, this was about protecting the night-roaming critters from HIM.) As for protecting the bird houses — just not possible. They are spread widely across these 3 acres to accommodate the different habitats birds prefer. Frankly, I’ll be surprised if this particular bear makes it to winter. Bear hunting season in GA begins in September. If he’s still frequenting neighborhoods, he’s going to be highly-sought. I’ve already had multiple young men beg me to call them when he returns. I prefer not to think about such things. An electric fence is the way to go!