Raising a Carolina Wren Family, like all bird families, is a full-time job. This is a big family -- six nestlings packed in a grass hut with an interior about the size of a baseball. It took me days to count heads, but finally I saw all six beaks. You'll understand the difficulty when you see the video -- there's a LOT of jostling going on!
As for the Chia Pet picture ... I finally have a camera in a location where I can mess with the focus as the nestlings grow. This setting also has lots of natural light. The combination yields (at least for now) an amazing image. I won't be able to mess with the camera when these guys reach 12 days of age for fear of causing them to fledge prematurely.

Wren Nestlings Looking Like Chia Pets
Enjoy the video. JUST BE WARNED: I highly advise you view this footage when you are not eating ... unless juicy insects, in high-def, appeal to you.
When Nature Gives Me What I Want
I love it when I get what I want! Momma Bluebird built her nest in the Garden House. As you will see in the picture, it captures natural light much better than the other houses -- yielding color pictures for part of the day. I'm pretty excited by the prospect of sharing with you images of Bluebird eggs and nestlings in blue -- IF I continue to get what I want.