I all but danced around here Wednesday caught up in the excitement of the door-sitting rural Bluebird nestlings, the flapping House Finch nestlings peering over the edge of their platform, and the bundle of Carolina Wren nestlings spilling out of the cup into the foliage around their nest.

Finch Nestling Checks Out Wings & World Below

Wren Nestling Pile Speaks With One Voice
I set up ANOTHER camera to capture the Wrens emerging from the floral jungle. I was writing the post in my head and was very excited about the title: June is Bustin’ Out All Over. I even had BLUE Bluebird eggs to show you.

Parent Wren Bringing Food to Floral Jungle

Bluebird Eggs in Color
This morning, the song went from my head.
Pantherophis spiloides (Gray Rat Snake) delivered an Eve of Destruction. He climbed 30’ to reach the Finch nest 12’ above the second-floor terrace. From there, he managed to hunt down the Wren nest some 50’ away. When I awoke around 6 and turned on the cameras – he was still in the Wren nest, but it was too late. Drake, the Pit Bull, and I went out and chased the snake off the terrace. I suppose I could have allowed him to finish devouring his kill, but I found it more satisfying to push him off the edge of the terrace. I knew he’d survive the 14’ drop, but I hoped he would remember the stick-lady and her big-headed dog.
So now – you may ask – exactly how do I plan to turn THIS into an uplifting post? I’ve been holding out on you. I have this video I use to lift my spirits when I am downtrodden. It was taken here, at The Retreat – indirectly featuring my “Fuzz Buddy”, Drake. It has a way of making a bad day go dim in the light of a life filled with many, many blessings.