The three Eastern Bluebird nestlings in the West house took wing today marking The Retreat's First Fledge of 2019.
As shown in the series of photos, Dad Bluebird was hard at work coaxing his youngsters to brave that first leap.

I've seen this coaxing go on for days, but this brood responded quickly! The fledglings certainly didn't demonstrate strong flight, but it was a beautiful day here in Georgia and I expect to see them landing on the mealworm feeder in a couple weeks -- beaks wide open!
Meanwhile ...
Momma Chickadee (I assume a second pair in addition to the Adobe Chick) took up nest building in the East house in spite of its proximity to the new house construction on the lot next to mine.
The four House Finch nestlings are on fledge watch. They should be gone by tomorrow. As shown in the photo, this is a good thing as CLEARLY Finches don't do poop sacs!

Momma Chickadee: Cotton Ball Bedding