The Male Eastern Bluebird is a very active parent. He tends the nest (whether or not his mate welcomes it), tends to his mate, guards the nest box, feeds the nestlings, and does his share of diaper duty. As I've shared in a prior post, the songbird nestlings I have observed excrete their waste in "poop sacks" which are then removed by the parent birds and deposited some distance from the nest.
In the feature video, you will see Dad Bluebird performing a variety of these functions. You will also see him feeding tiny hatchlings -- carefully keeping his "huge" feet spread wide and away from the nest cup. He's a good dad!
Meanwhile, back at the birdbath -- another spring color-treat appeared: a pair of male Scarlet Tanagers. I know they are summer residents in Georgia, but I've never seen one before. Best I can tell, it was a one-time visit. They must have just been passing through. Oh well. I'll just focus on the joy of their visit. (Note in the side-flight picture how the male's black tail is oriented perpendicular to the ground and both wings are pointed right. He actually launched upside down from the side of the birdbath and rolled into a normal flight posture. I'll share the video with you when nesting season slows down.)

Male Scarlet Tanagers