Every once in a while, I get caught up in a nest box competition drama — aware that the moment of conflict is inevitable.
One particular nest box has been used by the Carolina Chickadees for several years. Late in February, a Downy Woodpecker began to spend the night in this box — a practice called “roosting”. I waited curiously — to see if the Downy would continue to roost into March — to see if the Chickadees would, once again, choose this box for their nest site.
On March 16, the plot thickened. The Downy was still roosting the night of the 15th. The Chickadee began building her nest on the 16th. By the end of the day on the 16th, the Chickadee had established a substantial nest foundation. I waited to see how the Downy would react to HER roosting box being filled with moss. Like clockwork, just after 7pm, the Downy scooted into the box. If she noticed the “mess”, she didn’t react.
I then expected a similar scene on the 17th — but — the Chickadee was in and out of the box late that evening — right up until the time the Downy usually showed. It was going to be a difference of seconds which would determine who would be in the box when the other showed. In the Chickadee went — and out she’d go. Would the Downy slip in while the Chickadee was out? If she did … then what?!
The video will tell you how the final drama unfolded …