The 2018 Nesting Season Kicks Off: Keep Those Garage Doors Closed!
Our cold temps slowed down nesting season this year, but now the birds are busy constructing. Three nests are underway. The season began with the annual territory battle between the Wrens and the Phoebes. With a tad of human intervention, the Phoebes claimed "Phoebe Place".
The Wrens merrily hopped on ... now actively-furnishing a bamboo box perfectly suited for these creative homeowners.

The Bluebirds have been in and out of all 5 Bluebird boxes on the property. They are not only investigating potential nest sites, but also monitoring for the presence of other Bluebirds in the territory. It appears they have settled on "Bluebird North" -- their home for the past several years. I was hoping they'd opt for the newest house (Garden Bluebird) -- with its afternoon shade, but not this round. Off I go to construct a more efficient birdhouse sun screen.

Another Sign of Spring
The first shipment of live mealworms has arrived. The Bluebirds caught sight of them immediately. I hope the Hermit Thrush stays long enough to savor a bit of southern hospitality before returning home to Vermont with only trashy things to chirp about Georgia winters.
And Then There's This ...
I remember, in years gone by, telling a senior manager that I am not a fan of Boston (traffic terror!). His response stays with me these decades later: "That is a flaw in your otherwise impeccable personality." (Note to self: Learn about regional accents!) The point of this story is ... I've since added a number of flaws to my personality. I include among these additions, the obsession with protecting the nests on the property. When nesting begins, I used to toss and turn at night -- checking the cameras at each toss.
One simple change fixed that -- I promised myself not to check the cameras at night. It's not that hard to keep the promise -- it turns out this "mother's" love has limits. I conjured up an image of a snake in a birdhouse and attached that image to the knowledge I would feel compelled to head out in the dark to do battle. All cured!!